Farley Road Medical Practice is a busy GP practice across two sites and supports 11,500 patients with 7 GPs, 5 nurses and 1 healthcare assistant.

Tracy Keogh, Practice Manager at Farley Road Medical Practice says, “Dealing with the paperwork we receive was a massive problem for us before we started with Docman. 70% of the communication we receive from hospitals still arrives by post. Letters can go missing and get passed around departments, proving an inefficient way of working. Now everything is scanned the moment it comes in. If it has a patients name on it, it’s scanned and saved immediately through Docman into our clinical software. It means that information can be available to the practice through the Docman system and electronically workflowed across departments. It speeds up our entire administration process and ensures that doctors have all the information they need at their fingertips.”

Docman has streamlined the whole practice, enabling us to save time that can be redeployed on other tasks. Docman works really well for our practice, we all can instantly view documents and notice problems straight away. The information is up to date and is a very quick process when receiving letters electronically.”

Laura Burton, Secretary, comments “Docman has ensured efficiency savings by making it easy to file documents quickly and to workflow them electronically around the practice instantly. The Intellisense module is used to scan the document for the text to file the document correctly, saving us further time. Our practice work is now streamlined so that work can be done quickly. Our GPs find it easy to look at letters on screen and it allows them to highlight any important information and to also give tasks to staff through the electronic workflow. Docman has ensured an efficient process that has certainly saved on the time costs of managing paperwork, which can be a nuisance when sometimes they may go missing.”

“We use Intellisense to support the filing process in our practice and also the summarising process. Intellisense captures diagnosis and procedure read codes within a document through the OCR process and presents them to the user. The intuitive workflow system is useful and makes sending documents around the practice easier and quicker. By receiving documents electronically the workflow process from the Hospital to a GP is much quicker, enabling information to be workflowed around the practice immediately.”

Tracy summarises “Docman BackOffice is brilliant, we use this as our intranet, it works over both sites where we store all our referral letters, policies, prescribing information, along with deaths and any information to support the practice.”

“Every piece of documentation that has the patient’s name on it is scanned and saved to the patient’s electronic notes. It means that all our staff has immediate access to that documentation. It’s improved our workflow and therefore our patient care.”

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