Achieve more in less time. Remove your backlog of documents and transform mixed batches of different thicknesses and sizes including plastic cards into high quality images.
The below range of scanners have been fully tested and approved to seamlessly integrate with Docman 7, Docman 8 & Docman 10.
Docman’s most recommended Fujitsu Scanners:
Fujitsu SP-1120 / Fujitsu SP-1125 / Fujitsu SP-1130
Cost effective high performance
Achieve more in less time. Remove your backlog of documents and transform mixed batches of different thicknesses and sizes including plastic cards into high quality images.
View the product brochure Request a quote
Fujitsu FI-7140 
Professional capture at the desktop
For workgroup level NHS and price concious CCGs this document scanner is perfect for mixed adhoc and batch scanning. 40 double sided pages per minute. Daily duty cycle of 3,000 documents.
View the product brochure Request a quote
Fujitsu FI-7160 
A milestone in document scanning
The number 1 best in class deployed scanner in the NHS designed for high impact batch scanning and reliable performance. 60 double sided pages per minute. Daily duty cycle of 4,000 documents.
View the product brochure Request a quote
Fujitsu FI-7030 
The starting point for document capture
A perfect desktop solution for GP surgeries and environments with a low volume requirement. 27 double sided pages per minute. Daily duty cycle of 2,500 documents.