Catshill Village Surgery serves 5,000 patients in the Bromsgrove area. The practice utilises Docman GP to streamline the processing and workflow of approximately 600 letters per week.

Wendy Goodchild, Practice Manager “We chose Docman GP because it was recommended to us by a number of local practices. We launched it in the practice in 2007.”

Improving the paper process

“Previously letters would be given to GPs where they would underline the information that needed to be added to the clinical system. The information would then be coded and manually filed. Now paper letters are scanned into Docman GP or arrive electronically and are workflowed around the practice to the GPs and for Summarising.”

Intuitive Workflow

Wendy comments on the time savings achieved by using iWorkflow “we have set up Quick Steps so that we are using the least possible clicks for each action. Both Clinicians and our Administration teams benefit from the time savings iWorkflow provides.”

iWorkflow provides users with the functionality to reduce multiple mouse clicks using Quick Steps to streamline the processing of workflows. Wendy comments “Actions which would have previously used 7 or 8 mouse clicks can now be performed in less than 3. I estimate that we have created an additional 40% in time savings through using iWorkflow.”

“iWorkflow has specifically helped us in the way we manage our Diabetic Clinic letters. Using the Quick Steps, our Doctors can use one mouse click to return the letters to staff to add information for QOF.”

Clinical Content Recognition

The practice use Intellisense which uses clinical content recognition for automating the filing process. “We find Intellisense very useful for new staff and it also ensures a consistent approach to filing. We have used Intellisense for filing since 2007.”

Receiving letters electronically

The practice also benefit from a Docman Hub at the hospital. Docman Hub a multi-directional document transfer platform provides a secure, reliable and flexible platform for the electronic communication of documentation between Secondary, Primary and Social Care providers. The Docman Hub allows the practice to receive patient letters electronically from the hospital. “We receive approximately 50 letters from Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS Trust per week. These are most often discharge summaries and clinic letters.”

Wendy reflects on the overall impact that Docman GP has had on her practice “it has helped greatly in reducing the workload of our Admin staff and data quality is much improved.”

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