The National Docman User Conference was a fantastic event that attracted over 300 delegates to the Institute of Directors, Pall Mall. Attendees from primary, secondary and social healthcare organisations attended the event focusing on delivering a paper free healthcare, being an ideal place to discuss their projects and share best practice across Health and Social Care.

Some of the delegates commented on how Docman has supported their organisation:

Steve Ryan, Senior Project Manager, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS FT commented “Docman has the overriding ethos of to do rather than finding reasons something cannot be done.”

Julie Wood, Administrator, Grosvenor Medical Practice, commented “I love Docman because it makes my job a pleasure to do and I can see the possibilities of a paperless future.”

Steven Barlow, IT Coordinator, Victoria Medical Centre “Docman has streamlined our document processing, is easy to use and is an essential tool for all practice information.”

Rose Kingswell, Assistant Practice Manager, Manor Way Surgery “It has reduced the paper flow around the surgery, saving man hours.”

The conference was opened by PCTI’s Managing Director, Ric Thompson, followed by PCTI’s Director of Product Strategy, Ian Moody focusing on the company’s vision for Docman. Wendy Clark, PCTI’s Director of Service Delivery followed before Roy Lilley delivered a lively and sometimes controversial keynote speech.

Delivering a paperless NHS by 2018 is being widely discussed, with the event providing a place for NHS organisations and GP practices to share their achievements in taking positive steps towards making a paperless NHS happen.

The day was separated into three streams; stream one starting with a presentation from King’s College Hospitals NHS FT, Professor Iain Carpenter, Associate Director, Royal College of Physicians. Stream Two opened with Central Surrey Health, Royal Berkshire NHS FT and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS FT.  Stream three delivered Docman Know-How sessions and was supported by the new conference ‘Genius Bar’.

During the day delegates were keen to shout about the work they have done with Docman and nominate their organisations Docman Superhero’s. To nominate or contact your local superhero, please visit

The day followed with presentations from Dave Mills, Patient Services and IT Manager, Dr Anscombe and Partners on how Docman has been at the heart of their organisation. Grant Burford followed to discuss the practices use of Docman BackOffice and Collaborator to streamline and audit practice discussions and management.

Stream two offered a presentation from Tunstall on how EDT Hub and Docman are being used to support telehealth electronic referrals. Gavin Petch and Daniel Alexander provided a presentation on the connecting-all project across Greater Manchester. This presentation was followed by Sean Foster from PCTI on how Collaborator is supporting collaborative decision making within an organisation, community and CCG.

Ric Thompson, Managing Director, PCTI “I found the whole day really exhilarating and feedback from the event was fantastic, demonstrated by the 100% overall satisfaction rating we received on the delegates feedback forms. The conference provided an excellent opportunity for attendees to network and talk about the projects they are working on in delivering a paperless NHS. The day

showcased various organisations and what they have done with Docman to create cash releasing efficiencies and deliver a paperless NHS. The event was also a great opportunity for us to network with customers.”

“We now have plans to run even more local user groups and we will be in touch with practices and hospitals shortly through our newsletter and through the news section on the Docman main menu.”

The key areas of the day included:

Videos and PowerPoint slides of all the presentations will be made available shortly.

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